Print | posted on Tuesday, December 19, 2006 12:08 AM
Anyone responsible for operating mid to large scale hosting environments based upon the Microsoft platform absolutely must check out this entry over on the Ops blog:
Tell me how I’m measured…and I’ll behave accordingly
"Without clear measures individual groups and/or individuals will decide for themselves what measures they use for making decisions as well as to gauge their success…leading to a disjointed organization and misaligned customer relationships. For example, your Operations group may measure an application’s availability on a 24/7 clock while the customer owning the application really only cares about the application’s availability during discrete time windows throughout the day. Without common and agreed to measures both parties will doubt each other’s data and blame the other for not doing their job while in the mean time make little or no progress on objectively addressing any existing issues. (That example isn’t fictitious either.)"