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Speaking at the Best Practices™ SharePoint Conference

Print | posted on Monday, December 08, 2008 3:14 PM

I am delighted to be speaking again at the second Best Practices™ SharePoint Conference in San Diego, CA, February 2nd thru 4th 2009.

The first Best Practices™ SharePoint Conference in Washington, D.C., was a great success with awesome speakers, community events and a fantastic turnout of knowledgeable attendees. What really set this conference apart was it’s independent nature and it’s focus on real world, best practices from field deployments. This conference is not Tech Ed where a bunch of marketing folks talk up their features. This is all about the down and dirty how to make it work, the gotchas, and most of all best practices for successful deployments. Big shout out to Ben Curry for organizing a great event.

The speaker line up speaks for itself, go check out the who’s who of SharePoint experts over on the conference site. Whilst you’re at it check out the agenda for an idea of the superb content which will be presented.

In addition to this, we have a great location – the Hilton La Jolla at Torrey Pines – nice! I may even be able to sneak in a round of golf before heading out to Redmond for three weeks of fun after the event.

I’ll be presenting the following sessions at the event:

  • ITP327, Best Practices for Implementing Kerberos in a SharePoint Environment - Part One
    with my buddy and fellow SharePoint Infrastructure junkie Bob Fox. This session will introduce Kerberos implementation best practices for SharePoint Deployments and configuration aids.
  • ITP327, Best Practices for Implementing Kerberos in a SharePoint Environment - Part Two
    with my buddy and fellow SharePoint Infrastructure junkie Bob Fox. The second part will cover more in-depth scenarios and advanced configuration, troubleshooting and little known tips, tricks and tweaks for operating a Kerberos SharePoint environment.
  • DEV435, Go Live! Launching your MOSS Publishing site.
    This one is for developers and will cover best practices for taking your SharePoint WCM solution from development into production on the Internet, covering tips, tricks and gotchas common to all public facing MOSS deployments. In depth examples of deployment, performance, and security. In addition some of the powerful new capabilities of IIS 7 will be demonstrated.
  • ITP361, MythBusters – debunking common SharePoint Farm Misconceptions.
    Another chance to catch my popular interactive session which dives into common SharePoint Farm Myths and discuss common misconceptions around Global Deployments, Farm Topologies, Shared Service Providers, High Availability, Security and more. Alongside best practices for each “myth”, the SharePoint “magic numbers” will be covered and there will be plenty of scope to discuss any particular queries you may have on farm deployment. This material is being refreshed and bought bang up to date for the second Best Practices™ SharePoint Conference.
  • ITP250, IT Pro Experts Panel.
    I will be joining Bob Fox, Mark Ferraz, Ben Curry, Daniel Webster,  and Todd Klindt for this popular panel session where you can bring your toughest questions and problems! This 'open mic' session is an opportunity to ask the experts!

I’m really looking forward to another great Best Practices™ SharePoint Conference. If you are doing SharePoint this is a must attend event. However, be warned, space is limited and the event is likely to sell out pretty quick, so get yourself over to the conference site and get registered. For those of you who can’t make it out to the United States, check out the European Best Practices™ SharePoint Conference, which I will be blogging about in the near future.