harbar.net component based software & platform hygiene

SharePoint 2010 Evolution demos update

Print | posted on Friday, April 23, 2010 12:50 AM

For those that attended a couple of my presentations earlier in the week at the Evolution conference I hit a couple issues, both of which are pretty lame and embarrassing. At the time I promised to post an update here once I'd had the chance to look at the boxes again.


FBA login issue. this was purely a problem between keyboard and the stage. I was entering the passwords: Password1 and password. The correct password for John Coltrane was P@ssword1 – due to the complexity requirements of the ASPNETDB.  I don’t actually use FBA against ASPNETDB that much, IMO storing credentials in a relational database isn’t a great idea. But never mind all that it was a idiot mistake on my part. the important point here is that the config I did in the demo was all 100% correct.

Variations page publish issue. I wasn’t running the state service because I don’t use the farm config wizard and you can’t start it from services on server or manage service apps. this is basically ASPNET session state using a SQL DB which you need for a bunch of stuff like workflow. Again a mistake on my part, I have done this demo around 100 times and therefore I didn’t verify the setup before doing the session. Serves me right!


Anyways, I’m putting these down to being very tired and extremely busy during the event. A lesson for me for the future. As it’s political workshy bandit talk season here in the UK, I will utter the horrendous expression, “lesson learnt” :)